Los Gatos Creek Bridge Replacement

Caltrain, in cooperation with the City of San Jose, replaced the railroad bridge crossing at Los Gatos Creek in San Jose. The current bridge was built in 1935, and in order to maintain safe rail operations and meet current seismic safety standards, the bridge had to be replaced. The project included the installation of a tail track south of the San Jose Diridon station. The tail track provides improved operations at the station and minimizes system-wide delays. Construction was completed in December of 2017.

  • Final Design: Spring 2016
  • Award Contract: September 2016
  • Construction: Fall 2016 – Early 2018  

Caltrain communicated with residents, businesses and other interested members of the public to discuss the project in more detail. Stakeholders were provided with various opportunities to engage the project team and provide feedback prior to key milestones during the environmental review, design and construction phases.

Project Documents
Los Gatos Creek Bridge Fact Sheet 
Los Gatos Creek Bridge Frequently Asked Questions
Los Gatos Creek Bridge Community Meeting - August 22nd, 2016

Project Notices
Night Work Mailer 3/27/17
Los Gatos Creek Bridge Construction Notice - 2/3/17

Environmental Documents
Los Gatos Creek Final MND Documents (Dropbox Link) - Added 1/30/14
Community Meeting PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)
Notice of Availability and Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration - Added 12/3/13
Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration - Added 12/3/13
Responses to Comments - Added 12/3/13
Air Quality Report - Added 12/3/13
Archaeological Survey - Added 10/13/13
Biological Resource Evaluation - Added 12/3/13
Hazardous Materials Technical Report - Added 10/13/13
Historic Resources Inventory & Evaluation Report - Added 10/13/13
Jurisdictional Delineation of Waters - Added 10/13/13
Biological Assessment - Added 10/13/13
Noise & Vibration Report - Added 12/3/13
Traffic Report - Added 12/3/13
Water Quality Report - Added 12/3/13

Environmental Impacts

Construction of the bridge temporarily impacted the creek and vegetation. Caltrain mitigated environmental impacts to the area and after construction, creek restoration efforts were performed. Due to environmental regulations, all in-creek construction took place from June 2017 to October 2017 . 

Project photos