Weekday Service Changes Coming in April


Effective Monday, April 10, weekday service will change to accommodate construction activities slated to begin this spring and summer.

The service changes will assist with the construction of the Peninsula Corridor Electrification Project (PCEP), pending Full Funding Grant Agreement approval by the Federal Transit Administration, and will support Caltrain’s entire capital improvement program, which includes the Los Gatos Creek Bridge Replacement Project, the South San Francisco Station Improvement Project and the 25th Avenue Grade Separation Project.

The new timetable is available online, click HERE. Printed timetables are also available onboard trains and at Caltrain stations.

In December and January, Caltrain staff conducted more than a dozen station outreaches. Based on public feedback, Caltrain will make the following changes to the morning commute schedule:

  • Adjust trains 101 & 103 for same arrival of current schedule at the San Francisco Caltrain Station
  • No added stops to train 305 schedule
  • Additional California Avenue stops for trains 211 & 221
  • Additional Redwood City stops for trains 314 & 324
  • Additional Hillsdale stop for train 230
  • Adjust train 102 at the Mountain View station to improve VTA connection
  • Adjust train 233’s schedule to improve ACE Rail and Capital Corridor connections at the Santa Clara station
  • Separation of southbound AM peak Baby Bullet trains 312 & 314 and 322 & 324, which currently operate back-to-back, for improved efficiency and time spacing for passengers
  • Revised Train Numbers and Departure Times:
    • Existing train 210 becomes proposed train 212
    • Existing train 312 becomes proposed train 310
    • Existing train 220 becomes proposed train 222
    • Existing train 322 becomes proposed train 320
    • Existing train 230 becomes proposed train 232
    • Existing train 332 becomes proposed train 330

In addition, the following evening commute changes also will be made based on public input:

  • Additional Sunnyvale stop for train 287
  • Additional Redwood City stops for trains 371 & 381
  • Additional California Avenue stops for trains 366 & 376
  • Additional Santa Clara stops for trains 262 & 272 for improved ACE and Amtrak connections
  • No change to the departure time for train 199 due to last BART connection at Millbrae
  • Adjust train 198 for later departure out of San Francisco station

Additional changes include:

  • Departure time adjustments during off-peak periods to enable all train meets to occur at control points that will allow flexibility to the operation to accommodate PCEP work windows
  • Minor revisions for clock face departures
  • Added dwell time to Top High-use Stations during the Peak Hours
  • Hourly reverse peak service to Tamien:
    • Eliminate Tamien Station service due to very low ridership:  
      • AM Reverse Peak Trains: 208, 218, 228
      • PM Reverse Peak Trains: 263, 273, 283, 287
    • Add Tamien Station service for various trains:
  • AM Peak Trains: 310, 320, 330
  • PM Peak Trains: 289

Visit www.caltrain.com/riderinfo/2017ServiceChanges for more information about service changes.  


About Caltrain: Owned and operated by the Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board, Caltrain provides commuter rail service from San Francisco to San Jose, with limited commute service to Gilroy. Caltrain enjoyed five years of consecutive monthly ridership increases, surpassing more than 60,000 average weekday riders. While the Joint Powers Board assumed operating responsibilities for the service in 1992, the railroad celebrated 150 years of continuous passenger service in 2014. Planning for the next 150 years of Peninsula rail service, Caltrain is on pace to electrify the system, reduce diesel emissions by 97 percent by 2040 and add more service to more stations.

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