Bay to Breakers 2024

It’s BACK! Don't bother driving to the race!

Take Caltrain to the 2024 Bay to Breakers footrace on Sunday, May 19 starting at 8 a.m.

There will be two, special limited-stop pre-race trains to San Francisco that will arrive before the start. See schedule below. 

Bay to Breakers Butterfly


Plan ahead.

Get your Bay to Breakers Day Pass early and skip those long early morning ticket lines!

Caltrain recommends that you pre-purchase a Bay to Breakers Day Pass  on the Caltrain Mobile App (available May 11 - 18) to get you safely there and back. The Bay to Breakers Mobile ticket must be activated just before boarding the train.

Regular Caltrain tickets can also be purchased from any station ticket machines race morning. Expect long lines the morning of the race and give yourself plenty of time by getting to the station early. Daily Parking must be purchased through the ticket machine or on the Caltrain Mobile Ticketing App (Remember your space number). Staff will be at San Jose Diridon and Palo Alto early to assist customers.  

NOTE: Special pre-race trains stopping at California Avenue and Palo Alto will depart from the southbound track. For the latest information, check the station visual message boards.  

Clipper Reminders: Customers with Clipper® cards must tag on and tag off. Clipper card holders with a Monthly Pass can travel for free through all zones on weekends.  

Alcohol is prohibited on the special trains dedicated for Bay to Breakers. 
Caltrain is a proof-of-payment system. Customers must have a valid paper, Clipper card or mobile ticket before boarding. Those without a valid ticket are subject to citation and/or ejection from the train.  
The starting line is at Howard St. and Main St., about 1.4 miles from the San Francisco Caltrain Station at Fourth & King streets.  Participants can walk to the starting line from the station, or board an N Judah Muni train from King St. 
Caltrain would like to remind customers that Bay to Breakers does not allow alcohol and floats. 

Bay to Breakers Northbound Special Train Service

NOTE: Expect large crowds at Palo Alto station. Arrive 20 minutes before departure time and have your ticket ready to present before boarding the train.

NOTE: Diridon Station tunnel will be closed until the station opens for regular revenue service. Passengers arriving from the VTA green line station side should walk north along the pedestrian walkway to turn right onto W Santa Clara St., and right again on Cahil St.  


Special Trains



Train Number





San Jose Diridon


6:02 AM


Santa Clara






6:14 AM




6:18 AM


Mountain View


6:23 AM


San Antonio


6:26 AM


California Ave


6:30 AM


Palo Alto

6:14 AM



Menlo Park

6:27 AM

6:37 AM


Redwood City

6:33 AM

6:43 AM


San Carlos

6:37 AM

6:47 AM



6:40 AM

6:50 AM



6:43 AM

6:53 AM


Hayward Park

6:46 AM

6:56 AM


San Mateo

6:50 AM

6:59 AM




7:02 AM




7:05 AM



6:57 AM

7:09 AM


San Bruno


7:14 AM


South San Francisco


7:18 AM






San Francisco

7:17 AM

7:30 AM

Special trains will depart and pick up passengers only from the above listed stations. Regular Sunday northbound service departs Tamien station at 7:12 a.m.

Post-Race Service:

After the race, please check the weekend schedule for the next departure.  


601 & 603

Special Train


Train bypasses station


Station not wheelchair accessible

Schedule subject to change without notice