Caltrain Joins Regional Pilot Program for Means-Based Fares

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By Alex Eisenhart   |   @AlexOnTransit

Following the approval of a regional Means-Based Fare Pilot Program by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) last year, the Caltrain Board of Directors voted unanimously to support the agency’s participation in the program during its February meeting. Caltrain joins BART, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency and the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District in this regional endeavor. Caltrain’s Means-Based Fare Pilot is being developed in coordination with the MTC, county social services and public health agencies. The program will allow low-income transit riders to qualify for a discount through the use of a Clipper card. The program will run for 12 to 18 months and is expected to launch in fall 2019. Adults that earn less than 200 percent of the Federal Poverty Level will be eligible to participate, receiving a minimum discount of 20 percent off of single-ride adult Clipper card fares. The decision to participate in the pilot comes months after the Board’s adoption of the Caltrain Fare Policy, a goal of which is to “advocate for and participate in State and regional programs that make it more affordable for low-income customers to use transit.”