Rail Safety Tips for a Safe Journey

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Getting to your destination on time is a top priority for all riders, but getting there safely, is even more important. We at Caltrain want to make sure everyone riding the rails will have a safe journey so here are some tips to use: 

  • When you’re at the station platform, make sure you look around and are aware of your surroundings.  

  • Never ride your bike, scooter, or rollerblades on the platform. It’s really dangerous and you may lose control and hurt someone. 

  • Always stand behind the marked yellow lines and do not approach the train until it comes to a complete stop (don’t worry, you’ll get on the train). 

  • When you’re onboard, please take a seat or stand in a safe place and hold on until the doors open.  

  • Store luggage in designated areas and keep backpacks off your shoulders and next to your feet. We need to keep the aisles clear for passengers getting on and off the train.  

As our electric trains start running up and down the corridor, we also have some tips for you to follow:    

  • Always wait for the gate. Make sure the gates are up for you to cross the tracks. Just because you may not hear the train, it doesn’t mean it’s not coming. 

  • Be mindful of overhead wires. The wires carry 25,000 volts of electricity so stay away from ladders, antennas and ballons near the trackway.   

  • If you see a downed or otherwise damaged overhead wire, stay at least 25 feet away.  

You can always check out our electrification Safety | Caltrain page for more information and for rail safety tips, please check out our site for a complete list: How to Ride Caltrain | Caltrain 

Have a safe and enjoyable trip!