Title VI
Caltrain operates its programs and services without regard to race, color, or national origin in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Compliance Program
The Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board’s (JPB) Title VI Program is updated every three years to demonstrate the agency’s commitment in implementing and enforcing federal requirements concerning Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Title VI Program includes:
- The notices to public regarding the public’s rights under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
- The complaint form and procedure for Title VI discrimination based on race, color, and national origin
- A list of transit-related Title VI investigations, complaints, and lawsuits pending since the last Title VI Program submission
- The language assistance services Caltrain provides to limited English proficient (LEP) communities
- Public Participation Plan and summary of outreach efforts made since the last Title VI Program submission
- Demographic information on membership of non-elected committees, including the Citizens Advisory Committee
- Caltrain’s service area and demographic profile of service area, including ridership survey results
- Caltrain’s adopted Service Standards and Policies, including results of service monitoring under the standards and policies
- Results of equity analyses for any facilities constructed since the last Title VI Program submission
- Results of equity analyses for fare and service changes made since the last Title VI Program submission
- Record of Board consideration and adoption of the Title VI Program
Caltrain Title VI 2022 Program
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
What is Title VI?
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is a federal regulation that protects people from discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin in programs, services, or activities that receives federal assistance.
Who is Protected Under Title VI?
Riders and customers accessing services of Caltrain are protected under Title VI. Caltrain is committed to meeting its regulatory requirements under Title VI and ensuring meaningful access to its services and activities for low-income, people of color, and limited English proficient individuals. Title VI protects all persons in the United States, whether or not they are a U.S. citizen.
How does Title VI benefit Caltrain Riders and Communities?
Caltrain provides meaningful assistance to its customers in their primary language. Customers can call 1-800-660-4287 to request assistance in multiple languages.
Free language assistance at Caltrain meetings is also available.
If requesting interpretation or written materials, please contact TitleVI@samtrans.com at least 72 hours prior to the event.
FAQ Translations
- Arabic
- Chinese – Simplified
- Chinese – Traditional
- Farsi
- French
- German
- Gujarati
- Hindi
- Italian
- Japanese
- Khmer
- Korean
- Nepali
- Portuguese
- Punjabi
- Russian
- Spanish
- Tamil
- Telugu
- Tagalog
- Urdu
- Vietnamese
Title VI Administrator
Any person who believes they have been discriminated against based on race, color, or national origin with regard to transit services delivery has the right to file a complaint within 180 days of the alleged incident.
Phone: 1-800-660-4287 (TTY 650-508-6448)
Email: TitleVI@samtrans.com.
Submit in Writing: Office of Civil Rights, 1250 San Carlos Ave, San Carlos, CA
You may also file a complaint with the Federal Transit Administration through its Office of Civil Rights:
Title VI Program Coordinator, East Building, 5th floor-TCR, 1200 New Jersey Ave., SE, Washington, DC 20590.