Inter-agency Transfers

If you transfer to Muni within an hour of tagging off on Caltrain using cash value or a Monthly Pass with a Zone 1 origin or destination, you will automatically receive a 50-cent discount off the Muni Adult cash value fare. You must tag on and off on Caltrain - even if you have a Monthly Pass - to receive the discount on Muni.

Note: Caltrain customers taking 18 roundtrips or more on Muni each month may want to buy and load an Adult Muni-Only "M" Pass on their Clipper card.

VTA (the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority) allows Clipper Adult, Youth and Senior/Disabled customers presenting a valid Caltrain Monthly Pass to receive a local fare credit on its bus and light rail services. Transferring to a VTA Express bus will be free to Youth and Seniors but will cost $2.50 for adults which could be paid by using cash value on the Clipper card only.

SamTrans allows customers with a two-zone or greater Caltrain Monthly Pass to receive free local rides or a local ride credit on any bus at any time. For more information visit the SamTrans Inter-Agency Transfers page.

The Dumbarton Express allows customers with a two-zone or greater Caltrain Monthly Pass to receive a transfer credit of a local fare on its buses if boarding within 2 hours of first tagging on Caltrain.