Temporary Hillsdale Station Closure Virtual Town Hall

    Caltrain YouTube 

    As San Mateo’s 25th Avenue Grade Separation Project progresses toward its goals to improve safety, and reduce traffic congestion and train horn noise, the Caltrain Hillsdale Station will temporarily close for up to six months starting in December 2019. This will allow Caltrain to continue to serve 63,000 daily passengers while the tracks transition from ground-level to elevated tracks; a east-west connection at 28th Avenue is created; and a new Hillsdale Station with updated amenities and landscaping is built. Caltrain is holding a virtual town hall to provide the most current information on the temporary closure.

    July 31, 2019 from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m
    This event is entirely online.
    For more information and to register, 