Please join us for an open house on the Burlingame Broadway Grade Separation Project that will improve safety and traffic flow, and reduce horn noise. The open house will include a brief presentation with an update on the design and new station’s basic layout.
November 19, 2019
6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Burlingame Library (Lane Room)
480 Primrose, Burlingame, CA
About the Project
High traffic volumes at the Broadway railroad crossing result in some of the worst traffic congestion in the region. A preferred design alternative was approved by the Burlingame City Council in 2017 for the Broadway Grade Separation Project, which will separate the tracks from the street by partially raising the tracks and partially lowering the road. This will improve safety for pedestrians and bicyclists; reduce train gate down-time and horn noise; restore weekday service at Broadway Station and remove the hold-out rule; and improve traffic flow. The project will also construct a new elevated Broadway Station with updated amenities that better serve the community. Caltrain and the City of Burlingame invite you to learn about the progression of the project’s design.
Additional Information
For more information or to sign up for project updates, visit For questions call Caltrain Customer Service at 1-800-660-4287 or