JPB Work Program - Legislative - Planning (WPLP) Committee Meeting

    San Mateo County Transit District Headquarters 1250 San Carlos Ave.San Carlos, CA



    Board of Directors 2020

     Dave Pine, Chair
    Devora “Dev” Davis, Vice Chair
    Jeannie Bruins
    Cindy Chavez
    Ron Collins
    Steve Heminger
    Charles Stone
    Shamann Walton
    Monique Zmuda

     Jim Hartnett
    Executive Director




                  Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board

    Work Program – Legislative – Planning (WPLP) Committee Meeting


    Committee Members: Charles Stone (Chair), Cindy Chavez, Monique Zmuda

    Due to COVID-19, this meeting will be conducted as a teleconference pursuant to the provisions of the Governor’s Executive Orders N-25-20 and N-29-20, which suspends certain requirements of the Ralph M. Brown Act.




    Directors, staff and the public may participate remotely* via the Zoom website at for audio/visual capability or by calling 1-669-900-9128, Webinar ID: 430 715 831 for audio only.  You also may view a video live stream during or after the meeting at


    Public comment also may be submitted via email to  Please indicate in your email the agenda item to which your comment applies. Please submit public comments as soon as possible so that they can be provided to the Directors before and as feasible during the meeting.  Any written public comments received after an item is heard will be included in the Board’s weekly correspondence posted online at


    March 25, 2020 – Wednesday                                                                                      3:00 pm

    1. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance
    2. Roll Call
    3. Public Comment on Items not on the Agenda

      Comments by each individual speaker shall be limited to three (3) minutes. Items raised that require a response will be deferred for staff reply.

    4. Approve Meeting Minutes of February 26, 2020MOTION
    5. Caltrain Business Plan - Update Covering March 2020 INFORMATIONAL
    6. Update on 25th Ave Grade Separation/Hillsdale Station ClosureINFORMATIONAL
    7. Finance and Ridership Updates – COVID-19INFORMATIONAL
    8. Committee Member Requests
    9. Date/Time of Next Regular WPLP Committee Meeting:April 22, 2020 at 3:00 pm, San Mateo County Transit District Administrative Building, 2nd Floor, 1250 San Carlos Avenue, San Carlos, CA
    10. Adjourn





    All items appearing on the agenda are subject to action by the Board.  Staff recommendations are subject to change by the Board.

    If you have questions on the agenda, please contact the JPB Secretary at 650.508.6242.  Agendas are available on the Caltrain website at  Communications to the Board of Directors can be e-mailed to

    Free translation is available; Para traducción llama al 1.800.660.4287; 如需翻译 请电1.800.660.4287


    Date and Time of Board and Committee Meetings

    JPB Board: First Thursday of the month, 9:00 am; JPB Finance Committee: Fourth Monday of the month, 2:30 pm. Date, time and location of meetings may be changed as necessary. Meeting schedules for the Board and committees are available on the website.


    Location of Meeting

    Due to COVID-19, the meeting will only be via teleconference as per the information provided at the top of the agenda.  The Public may not attend this meeting in person.  


    Public Comment*

    The public comment will be available remotely via the Zoom website using the link provided at the top of the agenda.  Public commenters may enter in comments for specific agenda item(s) into the Zoom Q&A section and wait for the Chair to open for public comment and when you are called upon and for up to the allotted time allowed per speaker.  The telephone call in number, provided at the top of the agenda, is only to listen to the meeting and does not have the capability to take any verbal comment. As directed at the top of the agenda, you may email comments/correspondence to and it will be distributed to the Board and included for the official record. Comments that require a response may be deferred for staff reply.


    Accessible Public Meetings/Translation

    Upon request, the JPB will provide for written agenda materials in appropriate alternative formats, or disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in and provide comments at/related to public meetings. Please submit a request, including your name, phone number and/or email address, and a description of the modification, accommodation, auxiliary aid, service or alternative format requested at least at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting or hearing. Please direct requests for disability-related modification and/or interpreter services to the Title VI Administrator at San Mateo County Transit District, 1250 San Carlos Avenue, San Carlos, CA 94070-1306; or email; or request by phone at 650-622-7864 or

    TTY 650-508-6448.


    Availability of Public Records

    All public records relating to an open session item on this agenda, which are not exempt from disclosure pursuant to the California Public Records Act, that are distributed to a majority of the legislative body will be available for public inspection at 1250 San Carlos Avenue, San Carlos, CA 94070-1306, at the same time that the public records are distributed or made available to the legislative body.
