Local Policy Maker Group Meeting


    Due to COVID-19, this meeting will be conducted via teleconference only (no physical location) pursuant to the Governor’s Executive Orders N-25-20 and N-29-20.

    Directors, staff and the public may participate remotely via Zoom at https://zoom.us/j/94954726853?pwd=TkR1WFg2SEorZVh5U2xLWnhHSUNNdz09 for audio/visual capability or by calling 1-669-900-6833, Webinar ID: # 949 5472 6853 Passcode: 061243 for audio only.

    Public Comments: The Board Chair shall have the discretion to manage the Public Comment process in a manner that achieves the purpose of public communication and assures the orderly conduct of the meeting. Members of the public are encouraged to provide public comments in the following ways:

    • Email: Comments may be submitted by emailing video@caltrain.com before each agenda item is presented. Please indicate in your email the agenda item to which your comment applies.

    • Auditory: Oral comments will also be accepted during the meeting. Web users may use the ‘Raise Hand’ feature to request to speak. Callers may dial *9 to request to speak. Each commenter will be notified when they are unmuted to speak

    Thursday, July 22, 2021
    5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.



    1. You can download full agenda packets on our Local Policy Maker Group page.


        1. Call to Order 
        2. Staff Report 
        3. Caltrain Electrification Project 
        4. California High-Speed Rail: Update (Presented by California High-Speed Rail Authority Staff) 
        5. Public Comments on Items not on the Agenda 
        6. LPMG Member Comments/Requests 
        7. Next Meeting 
          1. Thursday, August 26, 2021 at 5:30pm 
        8. Adjourn