Caltrain Hosting Meeting on San Francisco Railyard Project
On Wednesday, October 5, Caltrain will host a virtual community meeting on the San Francisco Railyards Project. The meeting will include project partners, Prologis and the City of San Francisco, and will explore the potential private development and rail facilities of the 20-acre site adjacent to the San Francisco Caltrain Station.
The project site is located at Caltrain’s station and yard at 4th and King Streets in San Francisco on which Caltrain has a perpetual easement and Prologis is the landowner. Given the prime location with easy access to transit, this represents a major potential to create housing, office and public space while also reducing traffic and congestion and optimizing Caltrain’s operations in the area.
Community Meeting
Wednesday, October 5, 2022, 5:00-6:00 p.m.
Meeting ID: 846 3384 0163
Phone: US: +1 888 475 4499
For translation or interpretation assistance, call Caltrain at 1.800.660.4287 at least three days before the meeting. For more information or to sign up for project updates, visit For questions call Caltrain Customer Service at 1-800-660-4287 or send an email to
About Caltrain: Owned and operated by the Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board, Caltrain provides rail service from San Francisco to San Jose, with commute service to Gilroy. Serving the region since 1863, Caltrain is the oldest continually operating rail system west of the Mississippi. Looking to the future, Caltrain is set to electrify the corridor by 2024, which will reduce diesel emissions and add more service to more stations while advancing the agency’s equity goals.
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Free translation assistance is available. Para traducción llama al 1.800.660.4287; 如需翻譯,請電 1.800.660.4287.
Media Contact: Dan Lieberman, 650.622.2492