Caltrain Implements Clipper Fare Changes
Starting Wednesday, April 1, the cost of Caltrain’s single-ride Adult fare will increase by 30 cents for Clipper customers. The Adult Monthly Pass, available only on Clipper, will also increase by $9. New Clipper fares go into effect with the April Monthly Pass sales starting on March 21.
Fares paid with Clipper will continue to provide customers with a savings advantage compared to purchasing tickets through machines at stations or the Caltrain Mobile app. Customers who use Clipper instead of a paper ticket or the mobile app will save 25 cents on an Adult One-way ticket.
The cost of an Eligible Discount One-Way ticket and Monthly Pass will not change. Updated Clipper fares can be found on Caltrain’s website.
Caltrain’s increased ticket price is part of the agency’s 2020 fare changes that were approved by the Board in September 2019. The fare change will help fund Caltrain’s participation in Clipper START, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission’s Means-Based Fare Discount Program Pilot. The fare changes will also help support Caltrain’s operating and maintenance needs over the next few years.
For more information about Caltrain schedules and fares, call 1.800.660.4287 (TTY 650.508.6448) or visit
About Caltrain: Owned and operated by the Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board, Caltrain provides commuter rail service from San Francisco to San Jose, with commute service to Gilroy. While the Joint Powers Board assumed operating responsibilities for the service in 1992, the railroad celebrated 150 years of continuous passenger service in 2014. Planning for the next 150 years of Peninsula rail service, Caltrain is on pace to electrify the corridor, reduce diesel emissions by 97 percent by 2040 and add more service to more stations.
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