Rengstorff Avenue Grade Separation Project


To improve safety for all modes of travel, Caltrain in cooperation with the City of Mountain View, is separating the railroad tracks from the road by lowering Rengstorff Avenue. The project will reduce local traffic congestion and train horn noise. A new pedestrian overcrossing will be constructed across Rengstorff Avenue to maintain east-west pedestrian and bicycle connectivity. 


  • Feasibility Study: 2014
  • Design Concepts Report: 2016-2017
  • Preliminary Design (35%) and Environmental Clearance: Fall 2019 to Spring 2022
  • Final Design: Begins late 2022

City has allocated $3.5 million of local funds to complete the Preliminary Design and Environmental Clearance phases. 

Please call Caltrain Customer Service at 1-800-660-4287 or email