
The 2023 Grade Crossings Improvement Projects focus on significantly improving safety at three railroad grade crossings: Churchill Avenue in Palo Alto, and 4th and 5th Avenues in San Mateo. Caltrain will implement comprehensive safety enhancements, as determined by a diagnostic team comprised of staff from each City, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), and Caltrain, that cater to the unique needs of each location.

Churchill Avenue, Palo Alto: Benefits will include enhanced traffic management systems at the intersection, a widened pedestrian crossing area near the railroad tracks to accommodate the large volume of pedestrian traffic from the adjacent school, and the implementation of enhanced pavement markings that effectively facilitate the movements of pedestrians and bicyclists. 

4th and 5th Avenues, San Mateo: Benefits will include the installation of four-quadrant gates to deter motorists from evading lowered crossing gate arms, vehicular presence detection, and implementing clear pavement markings to define the "keep clear zone" around the crossing to improve safety for pedestrian, bike, and car traffic.

This $7.9 million project is funded through the Railway-Highway Crossing (Section 130) Program (RHCP). Section 130 is a federally funded program, administered by Caltrans, for the elimination of hazards for at-grade highway-rail crossings.

  • Palo Alto - Churchill Avenue: $2,520,000
  • San Mateo - 4th & 5th Avenue: $5,471,550
  • Award of Contract: August 2023
  • Mobilization: Fall 2023
  • Start of Construction: 
    • Palo Alto - Late Summer 2024
    • San Mateo - Spring of 2024   
  • Project Completion: Late Winter 2024 

Email: construction@caltrain.com

Customer Service: 1(800) 660-4287 

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