
Project Resources and Documentation

Learn more about the Caltrain Business Plan by viewing the resources below. Resources can be sorted by the four areas of the Business Plan if you’d like to learn more about a specific element of the plan. Scroll down for the list of resources, or, click on one of the four focus areas to see resources specific to it.

September 2020 – Board Adoption of Equity Connectivity Recovery and Growth Framework

This presentation was given to the JPB in September 2020 and included the recommended final Equity Connectivity Recovery Growth Policy for adoption by the Board. Read the final policy framework that was presented at the Board meeting.

August 2020 – Presentation

July 2020 – Presentation

This presentation was given to the multiple Caltrain stakeholder groups in July 2020. The presentation covers Caltrain COVID-19 recovery efforts including the introduction of an Equity, Connectivity, Recovery, and Growth Policy Framework.

March 2020 – Presentation

This presentation was given to the multiple Caltrain stakeholder groups in March 2020. The presentation covers Caltrain funding plans through the 2020s, station access insights, and equity assessment findings.

February 2020 – Presentation

This presentation was given to the JPB Work-Program-Legislative-Planning Committee on February 26, 2020. The presentation covers Caltrain 10-year funding plans through the 2020s.

January 2020 – Presentation

This presentation was given to the JPB Work-Program-Legislative-Planning Committee on January 22, 2020. The presentation covers Caltrain service options through the 2020s and ridership forecasts through the 2020s.

December 2019 – Special Meeting on Organization and Governance

The presentation was given to the JPB in December 2019 and included a summary of the JPB special meeting held in November 2019 to discuss the findings of the Organizational Assessment prepared as part of the Caltrain Business Plan. Read the Organizational Assessment (July 2019).

October 2019 – Board Adoption of a Service Vision

This presentation was given to the JPB in October 2019 and included the recommended final service vision for adoption by the Board. Follow these links to read the Resolution and final Caltrain 2040 Long Range Service Vision that was presented at the Board meeting.

August 2019 – Choosing a Long Range Vision

This presentation was given to the JPB on August 1, 2019. It was the culmination of Part 1 of the Business Plan and included the draft staff recommendation for a Long Range Service Vision. We hosted a Virtual Town Hall related to this presentation on July 22, 2019.

June 2019 – Presentation

This presentation presented Caltrain service flexibility options, preliminary simulation results, and network integration opportunities with regional, mega regional, & state rail systems.

January-April 2019 – Business Plan Quarterly Update

This presentation was given in May 2019 to the Caltrain Joint Powers Board. It provided updates on growth scenario development, terminal analysis, ridership forecasts, grade separations & grade crossings, and community outreach activities.

April 2019 – Presentation

This presentation presented business case and grade crossings & grade separations progress through April 2019, including potential planning level grade crossing investment ranges.

March 2019 – Presentation

This presentation presented service planning and ridership forecasting progress through March 2019, including terminal planning and forecasting under the different growth scenarios.

February 2019 – Presentation

This presentation presented service planning progress through February 2019, including draft service levels for analysis under baseline, moderate growth, and high growth scenarios. It also included next steps for service planning, costing, business case analysis, and community interface & outreach.

October-December 2018 – Business Plan Quarterly Update

This presentation was given in early January 2019 to the Caltrain Joint Powers Board. It provided an overview of the service planning process and community outreach.

December 2018 – Presentation

This presentation presented service planning and community interface assessment progress through December 2018, including draft service recommendations, off-peak and weekend service, and South San Jose and Gilroy planning.

November 2018 – Presentation

This presentation presented 2040 market demand and service planning progress through November 2018, including a comparison of different service approaches.

July-October 2018 – Business Plan Overview Presentation

This presentation was given in early October 2018 to the Caltrain Joint Powers Board. It provided an overview of the Business Plan.

September 2018 – Presentation

This presentation presented service planning progress through September 2018, including a summary of existing ridership trends.

August 2018 – Presentation

This presentation introduced the service and community interface focus areas of the project.

July 2018 – Presentation

This presentation provided an overview of the Business Plan and introduced the challenges and opportunities of the project.

Equity, Connectivity, Recovery, and Growth Policy Framework

Project Factsheet

Service Vision Factsheet


Project Timeline

Glossary of Key Terms

Caltrain/Stanford Memorandum of Understanding

This memorandum of understanding is a technical document that outlines the roles and responsibilities of both Stanford and Caltrain in the development of the Caltrain Business Plan.

Caltrain Business Plan Scope of Work

The attached scope of work provides a high-level understanding of the tasks included in the Caltrain Business Plan. Elements of this scope are subject to modification as the project progresses.

Data Visualization Challenge

Winner announced! Click the link above to see the winning submission! The Caltrain Data Visualization Challenge was issued in summer of 2019 as a way to share Caltrain data and invite coders, programmers, designers and train enthusiasts to develop visualizations showing how Caltrain can meet the mobility needs of the Bay Area. The competition has closed and a winner will be announced in August.

October 2019 – Mercury News

Caltrain moving forward with plan for BART-like service that could ease Peninsula traffic (Nico Savidge, October 3, 2019)

October 2019 – Caltrain

Caltrain Board Signs Off on Business Plan Service Vision (Caltrain, October 3, 2019)

October 2019 – Mercury News

Opinion: Caltrain needs dedicated source of revenue (Anna G. Eshoo, Zoe Lofgren and Jackie Speier, October 3, 2019)

August 2019 – San Mateo Daily Journal

Caltrain and our Regional Transit System (Jim Harnett, August 3, 2019)

July 2019 – Progressive Railroading

Caltrain Outlines Future business Plan (July 24, 2019)

July 2019 – Trains Magazine

Caltrain announces business plan through 2040; plans on tripling ridership (Jody Meacham, July 22, 2019)

July 2019 – San Francisco Chronicle

Caltrain maps out big growth and how to pay the $25B tab (Rachel Swan, July 22, 2019)

July 2019 – Mercury News

Caltrain has an ambitious plan to run BART-like service. Here’s what it will mean for Bay Area traffic. (Erin Baldassari, July 22, 2019)

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