Caltrain is excited to announce the new Hillsdale Station is open!
The new elevated Hillsdale Station is approximately four blocks north of its previous location, and is now accessible from 28thAvenue in San Mateo. The new station features a center-boarding platform and pedestrian underpass, eliminating the need for riders to wait at a crossing gate to get from one platform to the other.
The station is part of the 25th Avenue Grade Separation Project, which is separating the tracks from the road at 25th, 28thand 31stAvenues to improve safety for pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists. The project will reduce local traffic congestion in San Mateo.
Caltrain Service Changes
Effective Monday, August 30, Caltrain will have more service than ever before, with various enhancements and new options for customers returning to the system. Back by popular demand, the Baby Bullet returns to the schedule. More frequent evening service means more options for customers dining out, attending evening events, or even just working late!

Weekday Schedule

Weekend Schedule
Station Features
- New east-west connection for through traffic on 28thand 31stAvenues.
- Two parking lots: one located between 25thand 28thAvenues, and the other located between 28thand 31stAvenues (vehicles only accessible from 28thAvenue).
- The platform can be reached by stairs and accessible ramps at 28thAvenue and the parking lots
- Bike eLockers, bicycle racks (for information on bike eLockers
- Ticket Vending Machines and Clipper card readers on the platform
- Multiple shelters with seating
- Accessible sheltered waiting area; mini highs
Shuttles return to Hillsdale station on August 30, 2021. The shuttle stop is located in the north parking lot between 25th and 28th avenues.
Ride Sharing
Kiss-n-Ride passenger loading area is located in the parking lot between 28thand 31stAvenues (see map)
Transit Connections
- SamTrans Route ECR bus service serves El Camino Real between Daly City BART and the Palo Alto Transit Center.
- Bus stops for SamTrans Routes ECR, 251, 256, 294, 295and 397are located along El Camino Real. (see map)
Passengers with a Caltrain Clipper Monthly Pass 2+ zones can ride free on SamTrans Local routes

- 25thAvenue will open late summer
- 31stAvenue will open late 2021
- North bike parking area locker installation late 2021
Renderings of New Station
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About the 25th Avenue Grade Separation Project
Caltrain is working closely with the City of San Mateo to deliver this important safety project. When complete, the tracks will be separate from the road at 25thAvenue reducing horn noise and improving traffic flow; there will be two new east-west connections at 28thand 31stAvenues; and a new Hillsdale Station with updated amenities will better serve the community. For more information or to sign up for project updates visit
Still have questions?
Please call Caltrain Customer Service at 1-800-660-4287 or