Testing for the Future

With the recent launch of our new electric trains, Caltrain is on its way to becoming a faster, more efficient, and sustainable service, while also advancing the agency’s equity goals. Learn more about these new electric trains and the service they will provide. 

Each of the new electric trainsets has to also undergo a series of tests once they arrive on Caltrain property. 

Testing Progress

Trains are being tested every night! 

Electric trains testing nightly from 10:00 pm to 4:00 am

For more information on the progress of the electric train testing, see the table below for a snapshot on how close we are to bringing passengers greener, faster and more frequent service!

Electric Train Status Graphic_September 23

Building the Future of Electrified Service

Watch the construction process for Caltrain Electrification in the video below.

Construction Progress

All testing complete at all stations


Project Benefits

See how the project serves you.

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Stay Aware, Stay Safe

Stay safe around the new electric trains.